Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rise and Shine..

Thursday was our last day with Steve and Caroline. Seems like the had just gotten here and it was already time for them to leave. It was nice having Steve as the PE director and the children loved playing with Caroline. She picked up more Chinese in her 4 days here than we have in 2 weeks.

In the morning we did some races with the children. They got a kick out of wrapping each other in toilet paper, unfortunately we don't have any pictures to upload to the computer (sorry folks!). Story time was about The Last Supper and The Washing of the Feet. We thought that it would be a great opportunity to serve the children and have them serve one another by washing each others feet. In the beginning they were a little hesitant, but once they got started it seemed like everyone's feet were washed and some more than once.
After we washed feet, we then put our t-shirts on that we all made for a group picture. You look for yourself, but I think we are a pretty good-looking group of children loved by God.... Friday was field trip day again! This week we went to the botanical gardens. It was amazing! It was an all day trip. The gardens were separated into seven different regions of China. There was architecture from each of the region.

At the end of the day, it felt like we had been
on a 10 day trip of China. The children really enjoyed their time and when we reached the end of the tour there was a nice little playground for them to hang out on. At the end of the day everyone was exhausted (some even needed to be carried), adults included! We headed back to camp and the children played a couple of games of capture the flag, which is their favorite game!

It was a great week..... and we don't even want to think about the fact that next Thursday is our last day of camp. We are certainly becoming more and more attached to the children each and every day. God has truly blessed each and everyone of us in these past two weeks. We are so thankful to be able to serve Him and His children halfway around the world. Hope that we will be able to post a couple of things before we head out next Sunday.


Kfranklin said...

that last pic is so typical Ta-Ta!!! So cool and proud of all you guys have done. Those kids have seen the tangible love of Christ. Have a great last few days!

Nikki said...

Looks like ya'll had an awesome day! I know that the kids love hanging with you girls! Enjoy the rest of your week, Shanghai and the flight home. Can't wait to see ya'll when you get back! Much love!!! Nikki